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Setup of ViPLab


There are multiple ways to setup the Frontend. If you want to set it up...

  • ... in ILIAS: Follow the link specified in the section about the Integration into ILIAS
  • ... in DaRUS: Follow the link specified in the section about the Integration into DaRUS
  • ... in a System of your choice: Take a look at the Git-Repository of the Frontend to find an overview on what you need to use it

Websocket API

To set up the Websocket API for getting an interactive session with the ViPLab Service, follow the instructions found in the README of the viplab-websocket-api Git-Repository.

Apache ActiveMQ Artemis

Information on how to set up Artemis, can be found in the Docs.


Anleitung zur Einrichtung von ActiveMQ?


To find all the requirements to run the ViPLab Backend and start it, follow the following link and carry out the given instructions.