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Use asymmetric JWT signing

  • Status: accepted
  • Deciders: Leon Kiefer, Per Pascal Seeland
  • Date: 2020-05-11

Technical Story:

Context and Problem Statement

When using JSON Web Tokens generating signatures and verifying them is an important task. JWTs can be signed using a secret (with the HMAC algorithm) or a public/private key pair using RSA or ECDSA. When implementing JWTs one must decide which method to use.

Decision Drivers

  • Multi tenant support with own keys for each tenant

Considered Options

  • Asymmetric JWT signing
  • Symmetric JWT signing

Decision Outcome

Chosen option: "Asymmetric JWT signing", because it the only option which allow to use different keys for different tenants.

Positive Consequences

  • multiple keys are supported

Negative Consequences

  • complex management of keys

Pros and Cons of the Options

Asymmetric JWT signing

A RSA or ECDSA key pair is used for signing and verification. The JWTs signed by the external services using their own private key. Each private/public key pair has a key id and the public key is added as known key to the websocket-api. The websocket-api uses the key id of the JWT to find the corresponding known public and use it to validate the JWT Token signature.

  • Good, because multiple tenants can use the same websocket-api service with different keys
  • Good, because adding or revoking of single tenant key is possible
  • Bad, because setup of the private and public keys is complicated
  • Bad, because multiple keys must be managed

Symmetric JWT signing

The HMAC algorithm with a shared secret is used for signing and verification. All the external services must know the shared secret of the websocket-api to generate valid JWTs. The websocket-api use it secret to validate all JWTs.

  • Good, because implementation very simple
  • Good, because only a simple secret (string) must be managed
  • Bad, because all tenants use the same shared secret
  • Bad, because changing the secret require changes to all tenants