Computation JSON Message
A computation represents the combination of a computation template and a corresponding computation task. It is the input of any backend.
The JSON message of a computation is very similar to a computation template, so the interested reader is also referred to its documentation.
Example (informal)
Note: //
with text following until EOL is a comment,
- which is not covered by the JSON spec, and
- should not be contained in message sends in real;
- but nevertheless it would help, if JSON parsers could just ignore them.
Computation Message Example
"identifier" : "4598393-95bf-409a-98a5-ee375982c3e", // uuid, created by websocket api
"environment" : "C", // important for interpreting configuration
"files" : // must: at least one array element
"identifier": "22483f42-95bf-984a-98a5-ee9485c85c3e", // uuid from template
"path" : "code.c" // filename on backend
"parts" : // must: at least one array element
{ "identifier": "preamble", // identifier from template
"access" : "visible", // access from template
"content" : "I2luY2x1ZGUgPHN0ZGlvLmg-Cg" // source (base64url encoded)
// decoded: #include <stdio.h>\n
"identifier": "codeFromStudent", // identifier from template
"access" : "modifiable",
"content" : "dm9pZCBiYXIoKSB7IHByaW50ZigiYmFyIQoiKTsKfQo" // content from task
// decoded: void bar() { printf(\"bar!\\n\");\n}\n
"identifier": "postscript", // identifier from template
"access" : "visible",
"content" : "aW50IG1haW4oKSB7IGJhcigpOyByZXR1cm4gMDsgfQ" // source
// decoded: int main() { bar(); return 0; }
] // parts[]
], // files[]
"configuration" : {
"compiling.compiler" : "gcc",
"compiling.flags" : "-O2 -Wall"
"checking.sources" : ["codeFromStudent"], // identifier to parts
"checking.forbiddenCalls": "system execve" // forbidden call names separated by WS
"linking.flags" : "-lm"
"running.commandLineArguments" : "--stepwidth 0.5"
// mustache template with injected arguments
Explaining the JSON Format
Key [--Subkey] | Type (a default is marked by italics) | Opt / Must | Description | Comment |
identifier | string (UUID) | must | the identifier of this computation | is generated by the websocket api |
environment | one of | must | Specifies the environment used for the Computation. It defines language, runtime, libraries and tools | |
files | [ {...}, {...}, ... ] | must | array containing File objects: there has to be at least one element | |
configuration | struct | opt/must (depends on environment) | Environment specific configurations | Different phases can be configured like compiling, checking (for legal function calls in source code), ... |
configuration --compiling.sources | [FILE_ID, FILE_ID, ...] | must | Array of identifiers of JSON File objects. Explicit compilation (only referenced sources will be compiled). | for C, C++, Java |
configuration --compiling.compiler | string | must | compiler to be used, e.g. "gcc" | for C, C++ |
configuration --compiling.flags | string | must for C, C++; optional for Java | CFLAGS for C/C++; compile flags for Java | e.g. "gcc" for C/C++; "-O2" or "" for Java |
configuration --checking.sources | [PART_ID, PART_ID, ...] | must if checking should be performed | array of identifiers of to be checked sources; given by parts[]{PART_ID} (see below) | for Matlab, Octave, C, Java |
configuration --checking.allowedCalls | string | must if checking should be performed | for Matlab/Octave: allowed call names separated by WS; only idents (no braces, no func args) for Java: allowed call name expressions separated by WS |
for Java semantics see Java checking semantics. |
configuration --checking.forbiddenCalls | string | must if checking should be performed | for C: forbidden call names separated by WS; only idents (no braces, no func args) for Java: forbidden call name expressions separated by WS |
for C semantics see C checking semantics); for Java semantics see Java checking semantics. |
configuration --linking.flags | string | must | LFLAGS | for C, C++; e.g. "" |
configuration --running.stdinFilename | FILE_ID | must | the file identifier that is passed to Matlab/Octave via standard-in | |
configuration --running.timelimitInSeconds | int | opt | CPU time limit | for all environments; for semantics see Notes to "timelimitInSeconds". |
configuration --running.commandLineArguments | string | opt | for C, C++, Java: arguments given to main() function; for DuMuX, Container: additional command line args | |
configuration --running.flags | string | opt | flags given to JVM | for Java |
configuration --running.mainClass | string | opt (if unique) / must (if not unique) | class containing "public static void main(String[] args) {" | for Java: "args" may be another name. If main function is unique, its correct class should be detected automatically. |
configuration --running.executable | string | must | name of executable to run (as in backend file system) | for DuMuX |
configuration --running.entrypoint | string | must | executable to run inside the container | for Container |
configuration --running.observe_stderr | bool (false) | opt | if true, transfer intermediate stderr Results | for DuMuX, Container |
configuration --resources.image | url | must | location of the image to be executed | for Container; has to be a tar |
configuration --resources.volume | string | must | path in the container where data is placed | for Container |
configuration --resources.memory | string | opt (64mb) | memory limit for the container | for Container |
configuration --resources.numCPUs | int | opt | number of CPUs for the container | for Container |
JSON objects in files
An object in array files[] has the following members:
Key | Type (an enum default is marked by italics) | Opt / Must | Description | Comment |
identifier | string (UUID) | must | reference to a computation template file | |
path | string | must | absolute path to file | It is not allowed to start with '/' |
parts | [{...}, {...}, ...] | must | array containing part objects. There has to be at least one. |
JSON objects in parts
An object in array parts[] has the following members:
Key | Type (an enum default is marked by italics) | Opt / Must | Description | Comment |
identifier | string | must | reference to a computation template part | |
access | one of | must | the access level of this part | equals to the access level of this part in the computation template |
content | string | must | base64url-encoded source code |