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Computation JSON Message

A computation represents the combination of a computation template and a corresponding computation task. It is the input of any backend.

The JSON message of a computation is very similar to a computation template, so the interested reader is also referred to its documentation.

Example (informal)

Note: // with text following until EOL is a comment,

  • which is not covered by the JSON spec, and
  • should not be contained in message sends in real;
  • but nevertheless it would help, if JSON parsers could just ignore them.
Computation Message Example
  "identifier"  : "4598393-95bf-409a-98a5-ee375982c3e", // uuid, created by websocket api
  "environment" : "C", // important for interpreting configuration 
  "files" : // must: at least one array element
      "identifier": "22483f42-95bf-984a-98a5-ee9485c85c3e", // uuid from template 
      "path"      : "code.c"                                // filename on backend 
      "parts" : // must: at least one array element
        { "identifier": "preamble",  // identifier from template
          "access"    : "visible",   // access from template
          "content"   : "I2luY2x1ZGUgPHN0ZGlvLmg-Cg"      // source (base64url encoded) 
                                                          // decoded: #include <stdio.h>\n
          "identifier": "codeFromStudent", // identifier from template
          "access"    : "modifiable",             
          "content" : "dm9pZCBiYXIoKSB7IHByaW50ZigiYmFyIQoiKTsKfQo" // content from task
                                    // decoded: void bar() { printf(\"bar!\\n\");\n}\n 
          "identifier": "postscript", // identifier from template
          "access"    : "visible",
          "content" : "aW50IG1haW4oKSB7IGJhcigpOyByZXR1cm4gMDsgfQ" // source
                                                // decoded: int main() { bar(); return 0; }
      ] // parts[]
  ], // files[]
  "configuration" : { 
    "compiling.compiler" : "gcc",                  
    "compiling.flags"    : "-O2 -Wall"            
    "checking.sources"   : ["codeFromStudent"],    // identifier to parts
    "checking.forbiddenCalls": "system execve"     // forbidden call names separated by WS
    "linking.flags"      : "-lm"                 
    "running.commandLineArguments" : "--stepwidth 0.5"
                                            // mustache template with injected arguments

Explaining the JSON Format

Key [--Subkey] Type (a default is marked by italics) Opt / Must Description Comment
identifier string (UUID) must the identifier of this computation is generated by the websocket api
environment one of must Specifies the environment used for the Computation. It defines language, runtime, libraries and tools
files [ {...}, {...}, ... ] must array containing File objects: there has to be at least one element
configuration struct opt/must (depends on environment) Environment specific configurations Different phases can be configured like compiling, checking (for legal function calls in source code), ...
configuration --compiling.sources [FILE_ID, FILE_ID, ...] must Array of identifiers of JSON File objects. Explicit compilation (only referenced sources will be compiled). for C, C++, Java
configuration --compiling.compiler string must compiler to be used, e.g. "gcc" for C, C++
configuration --compiling.flags string must for C, C++; optional for Java CFLAGS for C/C++; compile flags for Java e.g. "gcc" for C/C++; "-O2" or "" for Java
configuration --checking.sources [PART_ID, PART_ID, ...] must if checking should be performed array of identifiers of to be checked sources; given by parts[]{PART_ID} (see below) for Matlab, Octave, C, Java
configuration --checking.allowedCalls string must if checking should be performed for Matlab/Octave: allowed call names separated by WS; only idents (no braces, no func args)
for Java: allowed call name expressions separated by WS
for Java semantics see Java checking semantics.
configuration --checking.forbiddenCalls string must if checking should be performed for C: forbidden call names separated by WS; only idents (no braces, no func args)
for Java: forbidden call name expressions separated by WS
for C semantics see C checking semantics); for Java semantics see Java checking semantics.
configuration --linking.flags string must LFLAGS for C, C++; e.g. ""
configuration --running.stdinFilename FILE_ID must the file identifier that is passed to Matlab/Octave via standard-in
configuration --running.timelimitInSeconds int opt CPU time limit for all environments; for semantics see Notes to "timelimitInSeconds".
configuration --running.commandLineArguments string opt for C, C++, Java: arguments given to main() function; for DuMuX, Container: additional command line args
configuration --running.flags string opt flags given to JVM for Java
configuration --running.mainClass string opt (if unique) / must (if not unique) class containing "public static void main(String[] args) {" for Java: "args" may be another name. If main function is unique, its correct class should be detected automatically.
configuration --running.executable string must name of executable to run (as in backend file system) for DuMuX
configuration --running.entrypoint string must executable to run inside the container for Container
configuration --running.observe_stderr bool (false) opt if true, transfer intermediate stderr Results for DuMuX, Container
configuration --resources.image url must location of the image to be executed for Container; has to be a tar
configuration --resources.volume string must path in the container where data is placed for Container
configuration --resources.memory string opt (64mb) memory limit for the container for Container
configuration --resources.numCPUs int opt number of CPUs for the container for Container

JSON objects in files

An object in array files[] has the following members:

Key Type (an enum default is marked by italics) Opt / Must Description Comment
identifier string (UUID) must reference to a computation template file
path string must absolute path to file It is not allowed to start with '/'
parts [{...}, {...}, ...] must array containing part objects. There has to be at least one.

JSON objects in parts

An object in array parts[] has the following members:

Key Type (an enum default is marked by italics) Opt / Must Description Comment
identifier string must reference to a computation template part
access one of must the access level of this part equals to the access level of this part in the computation template
content string must base64url-encoded source code