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Computation Result JSON Message

A computation result is the result of a computation. It always contains the stdout and stderr of of the computation. In addition, it may containIt contains arbitrary information contained in one or more artifacts. Artifacts are information about the success or failure (showing details for students) and result objects, like files, images, links, etc.

Example (informal)

Computation Result Message Example
  "identifier" : "86165eea-14df-4a76-805a-09b21441cbf7",
  "version" : "3.0.0"
  "computation" : "4598393-95bf-409a-98a5-ee375982c3e",  // uuid of corresponding computation
  "status" : "final", // final and intermediate, 
  "timestamp" :   // creation time of this message in ISO-8601
  "output" :
      "stdout" : "", // base64url encoded content, mandatory, even if empty
      "stderr" : "", // base64url encoded content, mandatory, even if empty
  "artifacts" : [ // additional artifacts (files, notifications, etc)
      "type": "notifications", // each artifact requires a type and
      "identifier" : "1dd479d9-c9bd-4711-aed8-5bfb3ec5fcfa", // and an identifier
      "summary" : "(C chain)v1.9 failed.",
      "elements" : [
          "severity" : "info",
          "type" : "compiler",
          "message" : "source_0.c: In function \u2018trapez\u2019:",
          "output" : {
            "source" : "stderr",
            "extract" : "source_0.c: In function \u2018trapez\u2019:",
            "begin" : 0,
            "end" : 37
          "severity" : "warning",
          "type" : "compiler",
          "message" : "source_0.c:21:10: warning: unused variable \u2018x\u2019 [-Wunused-variable]",
          "origin" : {
              "source" : "parts://7a1808d0-c997-4e28-acdf-bfda3ce70960", //code the student can edit
              "extract" : "  double x = 0;",
              "begin" : 406,
              "end" : 421,
              "line" : 15,
              "col" : 10
          "output" : {
              "source" : "stderr",
              "extract" : "source_0.c:21:10: warning: unused variable \u2018x\u2019 [-Wunused-variable]",
              "begin" : 38,
              "end" : 108
          "severity" : "error",
          "type" : "callcheck",
          "message" : "[C function filtering] Function call not allowed:\n\"system\"; original source: codeFromStudent, line (corrected): 20, col: 3\nForbidden calls:\nsystem.\n",
          "origin" : {
              "elementID" : "parts://7a1808d0-c997-4e28-acdf-bfda3ce70960",
              "extract" : "  system(\"/bin/rm /tmp/foo.txt\"); // illegal call (should be catched by checker)",
              "begin" : 325,
              "end" : 405,
              "line" : 14,
              "col" : 3
      "type" : "file",
      "identifier" : "de762095-6cd2-439f-80eb-313e85d33869",
      "MIMEtype": "image/png",
      "path" : "/images/img.png",
      "content": "" // base64url encoded content
      "type" : "file",
      "identifier" : "10516761-d937-4ba4-a82f-dc2847d45032",
      "MIMEtype": "image/png",
      "path" : "/images/img2.png",
      "content": "" // base64url encoded content
      "type" : "s3file",
      "identifier" : "cc3c1cf9-c02d-4694-902c-93c298d68c51",
      "MIMEtype": "application/gzip",
      "path" : "/largefile/result.tar.gz",
      "url": "https://s3.temporary.file.url/result.tar.gz",
      "size" : 123456789,
      "hash" : "sha512:hashcode_of_file"

Result Artifacts

Each computation ends with a ComputationResult containing at least the output generated on stdout and stderr.

All additional information about an executed computation like created files is contained inside an arbitrary number of artifacts. Each artifact containes at least an identifier and a type describing the content. The main purposes of this concept is to allow a standard way how to extend what information can be created and returned during a computation.

artifact types

In addition to the two mandatory fields for each artifact, each artifact has a specific set of additional fields. Currently, the following list of artifact types are defined with a given set fields:

  • file
  • s3file
  • notifications

Specification of the JSON formats

ComputationResult JSON object

Key Value Type Opt / Must Description Comment
identifier string (uuid) must unique ComputationResult ID
version string must version of the json specification used. The major version must match the version of the ComputationTask
computation string (uuid) must identifier of the computation that is responsible for this result
status One of must "final": last Result of computation
"intermediate": more Results expected
If there is only one Result, it status should be "final". If there are multiple Results, status of all before "final" should be "intermediate".
timestamp ISO-8601 datetimeString must Timestamp when this result is generated. Need for ordering of intermediate result
output output json object must an object containing stdout and stderr
artifacts array of artifact objects opt array of objects containing artifacts described at Artifacts

output JSON object format

Key Value Type Opt / Must Description Comment
stdout string must the stdout of the exection, base64url encode must be provided even if empty
stderr string must the stderr of the exection, base64url encode must be provided even if empty

artifact JSON objects

The base artifact object that needs to be extended all other artifacts defined.

artifact JSON object

Key Value Type Opt / Must Description Comment
identifier string (uuid) must unique id for this artifact
type string must the type of this artifact The type may be used by the client to determine how to display the artifact

file artifact JSON object

Key Value Type Opt / Must Description Comment
path string must the path in which the content had been created during the computation
MIMEtype string must MIMEtype of the content
content string must base64url encoded content of the file

In Viplab 2.0, the following MIMEtypes where allowed. They contain some custom defined types, which need to be keep supported:

  • text/plain
  • text/uri-list": links to websides to be presented in SC
  • image/png"
  • application/x-vgf: generated graphics output in 'ViP graphics format'
  • application/x-vgf3: generated graphics output in 'ViP graphics format 3D'
  • application/x-vgfc: generated graphics output in 'ViP graphics format contour plot'.|

Additionally, the following types are supported:

  • image/jpeg
  • application/vnd.kitware
  • application/json
  • ...

s3file artifact JSON object

Key Value Type Opt / Must Description Comment
path string must the path in which the content had been created during the computation
MIMEtype string must MIMEtype of the content
url string must url on which the content of the file can be retrieved
size int must size in bytes of the file stored on the external system
hash string must the hash of the remote file in the format usedhash:hashcode_of_file, e.g. sha512:a12355....

notifications artifact JSON object

Each notifications artifact contains at least one summary and unlimited number of notification elemets providing more details

Key Value Type Opt / Must Description Comment
summary string must summary of all info_element's: e.g. one warning, one error may have a summary "An error occured." E.g.: "[Error] Backend has detected an error: no result!" or "Success!"
notifications array of notification objects opt the more detailed notification objects for this notifications object

notification JSON object

Key Value Type Opt / Must Description Comment
severity string must One of
type string must One of For all chains: {"system, "chain", "output"}; for Octave/Matlab: {"callcheck", "interpreter"}; for C: {"callcheck", "compiler", "linker", "executable"}; for Java: {"callcheck", "compiler", "executable"}; for DuMuX: {"executable"} If type equals "system", whole Result if of interest for a bug report.
message string must summary of one message to the user; it should not contain wrong error locations (file, line, col). Together with "source"/"line" or "col" (containing corrected locations) it should give the most interesting info. may be empty string (',' in optional location_part)
origin notification origin json object opt If the message can be linked to a part from the ComputationTask, the original position can be found inside only allowed if "type" in
output notification output json object opt The position and text from either stdout or stderr (see Output) which caused notification.


  • There are error messages containing multiple error triggering locations. This leads to multiple info_elements containing same "message" and "output", but different "source" objects. Note: another way would be to specify "sources":[{},...] as alternative to "source":{}.
  • "type": "fatal" may be introduced later
  • Compiler output may contain multiple error positions; only the first one should be extracted.
notification origin JSON object
Key Value Type Opt / Must Description Comment
source string must identifier of part from ComputationTask which has triggered (error/warning/...) message
extract string must Part of referenced part. Extracted from message triggering input.
begin unsigned int must Offset of extract into ...
end unsigned int must ... referenced part: C-like (zero-based).
line 1..uint_max must Location of error/warning ...
col 1..uint_max opt ... referring to position in triggering part. It is optional, since there are messages containing line info only
notification output JSON object
Key Value Type Opt / Must Description Comment
source string must part of Output, which contained the message
extract string must Part of referenced output. Extracted from message triggering input.
begin unsigned int must Offset of extract into ...
end unsigned int must ... referenced element: C-like (zero-based).

Leftovers from Viplab 2.0

might be converted later, just keep around as inspration

Key Value Type Opt / Must Description Comment
startTime datetimeString must May be local or universal time. Just after getting a Solution.
duration durationString must e.g. "128ms" Computation duration time since startTime (increases with each intermediate Result).
finishTime datetimeString must, iff status == "final" May be local or universal time. Just before posting final Result.
CC_versionLong string must
CC_version string must
chain_version string must
technicalInfo struct must
technicalInfo/host string must CC host
technicalInfo/PID unsigned must CC PID
technicalInfo/<key> <val_type> opt <key>: locally unique, <val_type>: arbitrary type For allowing further key/val pairs if there should be a need.